


We make Podcasts We will support, mentor and edit your Podcast make it ready for Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Sticher and TuneIn.

We can create artwork add production music and imaging to make your podcast really shine and that all starts from just £30 per completed hour

Monday 28 April 2008

Stop Press

Don't run your radio station like a newspaper. When LBC started in 1973 the management hired from Fleet Street and not from broadcasting. The result was disastrous. The station was run along the lines of a newspaper with the kind of sections you might find in a newspaper on travel, society and of course politics and news. It didn't relate to the medium of radio or crucially to the listener. Our format of radio depends on the relationship of a host/presenter to the listener and nothing much more, sure they want news and information, but that will not be your u.s.p. as let's face it they can get that information pretty much anywhere else. So avoid equating radio with any other medium, it has its own unique style and character.

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