


We make Podcasts We will support, mentor and edit your Podcast make it ready for Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Sticher and TuneIn.

We can create artwork add production music and imaging to make your podcast really shine and that all starts from just £30 per completed hour

Monday 28 June 2010


Your average listener has the attention span of a gnat and the mind of a goldfish.  Never think they are hanging on every word, do not believe they have remembered the last time you told them about a story.  True you should refresh stuff but don't worry about some repetition.  With trails and promotions repetition is actually very important. 

I have already discussed using different ways of imparting a message combining live studio reads with recorded produced promos with, if your broadcast guidelines allow, editorial which is produced for the promo/trail.

My old boss Steve Orchard once said to me that once you are so sick of hearing a promo go out you are actually ill in the waste paper basket - only then are your audience starting to absorb the message you want them to hear.  He had a point.  Carry on broadcasting!

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